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DAF ZF105 FTG6x2 with an ESVE truck transport trailer

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Here are pictures of my latest models
It’s a DAF ZF105 FTG6x2 with an ESVE truck transport trailer. The trailer is loaded with a Mercedes 6x4 tractor, a separate cabin and a Mercedes Unimog U1300 with loading crane.

Because there are lots of trucks being exported out of the Dutch Rotterdam harbour to the middle east and to the African country’s, there are several company’s who take care of the transport of 2nd hand trucks from all over Europe. They are using differed sorts of truck transport trailers. Some company’s are using lowloaders, semi lowloaders, trailers with extendable beds or trailer like this one. This one has two lowered lane’s and lowered parts between the trailer wheels.

To build the truck I have used the Italeri kit no 3802. I have length the chassis to the original DAF 3.98 mtr version. I have replaced the non steering frond axel for one that can steer. In front of the rear axel I have placed a second steer axel with air suspension. The second set of mudguard came from a DAF donor kit that I had bought on a marked. At the right side I have placed the shorted fuel tank. The chassis is covered with plate and at the rear of the cab I have made a hose support with work lights and red contour lights. Because of the second steer axel the original skirts did not fit anymore, therefore I had to made new one’s from 1mm plastic sheet. At the right side there are two gaps to step on. At the left side are gaps for the exhaust pipe and to fill the AD-bleu tank. The frond, side and rear bars came from the Italeri accessories set. The frond and the second steer axel do have wider tyres. To make them I have used two Italeri tyres an cut them into a 5/8 and a 3/8 part, then I have glued the two 5/8 parts together. I have glued a extra ring at the outer side of the rims to fit the wider tyre. The cabin is made out of the box. I have paint the model with an airbrush. First I have primered the model, then sprayed it white, red and black. Of course it needed a lot of masking.
The name decals are made on the computer and printed by scaleprint.

I have seen this ESVE truck transport trailer at a local truck dealer. I have made lots of photo’s of it and took enough measurements to make a model of it. The chassis is made of pvc H-beams. The suspension, brake system, support legs and the rear lights came from the sparebox. The lanes of the trailer are made of evergreen ribbed sheet, at the underside it is supported with small square beams. A winch is mounted at the front of the trailer to pull-up non driving trucks. The side of the trailer is made of 1mm sheet. I have cut strips of it and drilled hols in it to chain up the loaded trucks. The lowered lanes are a problem for truck with spoilers. Therefore it is possible to fill up the lanes with wooden beams. The gaps between the wheels can also be filled up with wood.

Mercedes 2448 6x4
This model is made out off the box and it has only a few adjustments. To let the rear wheels follow the bumps of the trailer I have made the rear suspension movable. Behind the cab I have made a exhaust and a support for the spare wheel and air and electric connections. The bar on the frond bumper is a copy of the original Mercedes one.

Mercedes Unimog U1300L
This model is also made out of the box with a few adjustments. Because the model was a military version the roof had a rim to fit a machinegun. So I had to made a new roof. It is made of evergreen sheet with strips on it. The loading platform is a shortened version of winter Unimog. Between the platform and the cab I have fitted a Italleri Effer crane.

Extra cabin
When I bought the Mercedes model, on a marked, the box was opened and there where missing some parts, but it has also some extra parts. I have filled up the missing parts to build the Mercedes, and with the extra parts I have build the extra cabin. A extra cabin can be fitted easy on a truck with a damaged cabin in a over seas country.

I have never done this before. And it was quite a challenge for me. The Unimog is painted with diluted waterproof acrylic paint, after that I have brushed the most of it away with a cloth. I have used the colour grey, light brown, dark brown. Stone red and black. The same colours and paint I have used for the Mercedes. But to weather the Mercedes I have used the airbrush.

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by: Maurits van der Aa (Jim Hall) on 2010-11-14 - 06:27

Wow, Very cool looking object together with the export trucks.
And amazing that you built the trailer yourself.
How long is the total model?
Het zal wel de nodige uurtjes gekost hebben vrees ik.

Superb!! Congratulations.