Kit / Model
Pocher Alfa Romeo 8c
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At this point I could see why so many of these models reach this approximate point of construction and stall. While during the early stages of construction, despite some interesting situations, for the most part assembly moved along rather quickly, at least progress was noticeable on a daily basis if not an hourly one. Now days of work yields very little noticeable advancement of the overall build. True, part of that is due to painting and allowing to dry. Fortunately I was able to let most of the body parts dry when I went on a trip. But it this stage, it is a case of having to take two or three steps back to be able to insert something to make a step forward. Plus the instructions direct you to do things that cannot be done, so time discovering workarounds eats into build time. Did I mention the body parts don't fit either? Don't get me wrong, I relished the challenge and enjoyed the build, but I also gained a lot more respect for others who have completed these before with good results. This shot shows the all the rear shocks installed and the shading on the flooring. The suspension is pretty much all done here too. Made new gauge faces for the dash. Most of the rest of the stickers look like they may be salvageable, which I will try to do to keep in the spirit of the kit. The front suspension looks floppy here as I have not attached the wheels which straighten them up. Color is Testors Chrysler Engine Red, the entire build used more than four Model Master bottles of it.
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In progress
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